The other night I saw this show for the 3rd time, having seen the last production of it about 7 years ago, it was one that I had to see again, this time around it’s happening during the pandemic and it is a virtual performance. Telling the tale of the Craigslist ads in song and comedy, I could recall the personal ads that once were on Craigslist. Just spending a few minutes on Craigslist randomly checking the ads in Vancouver as well as in other cities reveals story after story. With awesome music, a great cast and a well- designed set, this production is a hit.
This time around the show is being performed at The Cultch with the cast that features Actor Josh Epstein, along with Meaghan Chenosky, Chirag Naik, Amanda Sum, Andrew Wheeler—with new choreography by Amanda Testini.
Your personal ads, set to music! Irregular hats for cats, mounted lobsters, autographed copies of the Bible: this work from composer Veda Hille and the CBC’s Bill Richardson explores what humanity has to offer and turns it into sidesplitting musical fare. It’s been updated to current day with nods to the pandemic and such. Featuring the songs such as the “Ma Lady” song, “420 song”, “Age and Race”, “African Penguin”, and the finale made reference to Dr Bonnie Henry where the actors were wearing masks.
Get tickets for performances running now thru November 22, 2020 virtually online here.