Tag: Pacific Theatre

Armed July 17-21

Xua Xua Productions rings in the summer with a simple question: what makes a man? Is it a job, a relationship, or maybe a couple of small but significant bits of anatomy? What happens when it gets taken away? When Joe loses...

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Doubt, a parable

Where is the boundary between the truth and lies? At first, it would appear that we are talking about opposite concepts, but “Doubt, a Parable” shows us that truth and lies are interconnected to each other....

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Re:Union is a complex work that takes philosophical, ethical, and political elements. The resulting mix is a play that tells the psychological and moral struggle of a woman, Emily Morrison (Alexa Devine), the daughter of Quaker...

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When I was, qui je suis

In a great display of dancing, music, lights and hidden messages, Les Petites Taquines (a dancing group formed by Andrea Loewen, Francine Dulong, Jackie Faulkner and Linsy Rotar) performed at the Pacific Theatre from August 4 to...

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The Great Divorce

adapted by George Drance & The Magis Theatre from the novel by CS Lewis Hell resembles nothing so much as a dreary industrial city in the north of England, its denizens free to leave whenever they like — aboard a bus bound...

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My Name is Asher Lev

Last night I saw this brilliant performance at the Pacific Theatre, this moving story had the audience focussed on the 3 actors who played multiple characters. It is a story based on a Hasidic Jewish family who lived in...

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