On Tuesday night I saw the Premiere of this quirky one of a kind show that is a must see. Telling the tale of the Craigslist ads in song and comedy, I could relate and the majority of the audience could relate as well. Just spending a few minutes on Craigslist randomly checking the ads in Vancouver as well as in other cities reveals story after story. With awesome music, a great cast and a well designed set, this production is a hit, and I hope it makes it to Broadway someday soon.

Your personal ads, set to music! Irregular hats for cats, mounted lobsters, autographed copies of the Bible: this new work from composer Veda Hille and the CBC’s Bill Richardson explores what humanity has to offer and turns it into sidesplitting musical fare. Who wouldn’t want a broken time machine, for free? Come and take a look at the vagaries and intimacies of the internet. Featuring the original songs “300 Stuffed Penguins,” “Chilli Eating Buddy,” “Decapitated Dolls,” and more.

With more than 700 local sites in 70 countries, and over 20 billion page-views and 50 million new ads posted monthly, Craigslist has become a treasured online locus where we are sanctioned to share our needs, wants, and offerings. Hille describes it as “the mass of humanity pressed against the glass,” offering a forum that is simultaneously anonymous and incredibly public. After its smashing debut as part of Twenty-Minute Musicals at Club PuSh in 2009, Do You Want What I Have Got? A Craigslist Cantata returns as a full-fledged production with 80 heartfelt minutes of quick-witted spoken text and song.

Do You Want What I Have Got? A Craigslist Cantata is the brainchild of two of Vancouver’s most beloved cultural icons. An award-winning writer and broadcaster, Bill Richardson has contributed to CBC Radio since 1984 and currently hosts “Saturday Afternoon at the Opera” and “In Concert.” Composer Veda Hille is one of Canada’s foremost indie singer-songwriters and has been described as “visceral, luminescent, fierce, haunting, and with talent to burn” (The Coast, Halifax).

January 19 – February 11, 2012 8:00pm | Tues 7:30pm

Matinee Wed & Sat 2:00pm, No show Sun

Arts Club, Revue Stage. 1601 Johnston Street, Granville Island

Post-Show Talkback Feb 7

Tickets from $25

Arts Club Box Office

artsclub.com | 604.687.1644