The Goh Ballet’s critically acclaimed production of the beloved holiday classic, The Nutcracker, returns for its third season to The Centre in Vancouver for Performing Arts, for six performances from Dec. 15 – 18, 2011. This magical production is filled with elaborate sets, gorgeous costumes and live music performed by members of the Vancouver Opera Orchestra. Featured this year are Principal Dancers who are current and former Principal Dancers of New York’s prestigious company, American Ballet Theatre. They will share the stage with over 200 local dancers.

Besides being Tchaikovsky’s most famous composition, The Nutcracker is also regarded as one of the world’s most popular ballets.  This lavish production is produced by Chan Hon Goh, former Prima Ballerina with The National Ballet of Canada, and choreographed by Anna-Marie Holmes, an internationally acclaimed luminary of the dance world.

Goh Ballet’s celebrated production of The Nutcracker is filled with imagination and something for everyone; whether one is seeing dance for the first time or is a seasoned dance aficionado. Award-winning dancers, gymnasts, ballroom couples and even an illusionist bring the ballet to life with our special guest artists from American Ballet Theatre. All of this provides an unforgettable live performance experience that has truly become Vancouver’s own Holiday Tradition,” stated Chan Hon Goh.

The past two seasons have been huge successes garnering great critical acclaim as well as outstanding sales at the box office. Goh Ballet’s The Nutcracker will be performed from December 15th – 18th 2011 for six performances at the Centre in Vancouver for Performing Arts. Regular ticket prices range from $28 – $78 (plus applicable taxes and service charges). Tickets are on sale through or call 1-855-985-2728.